From ancient Romans till late nineties, conceptualized first by Aristotle, it was believed that life evolved from non-living matter, the spontaneous generation theory. With the invention of microscopy, invisible life was for the first time visible as “animalcules”, that were later described as cells and the cell theory and theory of tissue formation came into limelight. In late nineties cell culture methods were discussed and in-vivo as well as in-vitro cell culture was achieved. In-vitro cell culture techniques were defined, improved, augmented and refined with the advancement in biological sciences. The applications of cell culture technology spanned through various fields, in pathology, microbiology, reproduction, physiology and production of biologicals, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines. In-vitro fertilization, embryo splitting and transgene delivery for augmenting fertility in human and animals, production of animal products, key biomolecules, proteins are some of the endowed applications of in-vitro cell culture technique. Cell culture technology has taken leaps and has become a key modelling system for large class of biotechnological interventions, clinical and industrial applications. Production of important hormones, growth factors, biomolecules and therapeutic agents are all blessings of in-vitro cell culture technology. In-vitro cell culture technology has entered into new era of development of organoids, organ chips, RNA/ DNA / recombinant vaccines, transgenic animals, tissue reconstructs etc. in pursuit of achieving better health care and food security. In-vitro cell culture technology has been playing a significant role in the global economy with huge market size in stem cell therapy, human infertility and production of therapeutic biomolecules. The in-vitro cell culture technology is promising, fast evolving, robust and matured technology with huge potential to revolutionize the fields of medicine, biological sciences and biomedical-engineering.
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