In this paper, we are concerned with the following initial-boundary value problem{ut=Δu+Q(|x|)|u|p−1u,x∈BR,t>0u(x,t)=0,x∈∂BR,t>0u(x,0)=u0(x),x∈BR, where p≥ps:=N+2N−2, u0∈L∞(BR), and Q(r)∈C1([0,R]), 0<C_≤Q(r)≤C‾<∞,Q′(r)≤0. We extend the asymptotic behavior results, which is well-known when Q is constant according to Matano-Merle (cf. [25]), for the blow-up solutions. More precisely, we show that when ps≤p<p⁎, the blowup of radial solution to this problem is always of Type I. This result partially generalizes the conclusions in [25] for Q≡1. This extension is nontrivial due to the appearance of Q. The quasi-monotonicity formula established by the third author and Cheng in [8] allows us to use an energy method to get a priori estimates on the rescaled solutions. The contraction mapping principle shows the existence of singular stationary solutions to an associated elliptic equation with a potential. In the end, the properties of zero number for solutions lead to the nonexistence of type II singularity for the problem.
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