Py, (yl, Y2, Y3, y4) ; Pz, (z1l Z2, Z3, Z4) ; Pa, (a,) a2, a3, a4) ; P#, (#l) 32, /33 (4), which in turn determine two non-intersecting lines ly, la#. As x varies these points trace four curves Cy, Cz, Ca, C,, while the lines ly, la# generate two ruled surfaces Ry, Ra#, on the first of which lie the curves Cy, Cz, and on the second, the curves Ca, Co. In this paper we propose to develop the projective differential theory of triads of ruled surfaces whose generators are in one-to-one correspondence. We will determine the defining system of differential equations, calculate certain of the invariants and covariants, and exhibit their geometric significance in a number of instances.