Based on the relationship between the power-law exponent and relaxation time ν(τ)recently established in Ryabov et al (2002 J. Chem. Phys. 116 8610) fornon-exponential relaxation in disordered systems and conventionalArrhenius temperature dependence for relaxation time, it becomespossible to derive the empirical Vogel–Fulcher–Tamman (VFT)equation ωp (T) = ω0 exp [−DTVF /(T − TVF)],connecting the maximum of the loss peak with temperature. The fitting parametersD andTVFof this equation are related accordingly with parameters (ν0, τs τ0),entering to ν(τ) = ν0 [ln (τ/τs)/ ln (τ/τ0)] and(τA, E)figuring in the Arrhenius formula τ(T) = τA exp (E/T). Ithas been shown that, in order to establish the loss peak VFT dependence, acomplex permittivity function should contain at least two relaxation timesobeying the Arrhenius formula with two different set of parameters τA1,A2and E1,2.It has been shown that (1) at a certain combination of initial parameters the parameterTVFcan be negative or even accept complex valued (2). The temperature dependenceof the minimum frequency formed by the two nearest peaks also obeys the VFTequation with another set of fitting parameters. The available experimental dataobtained for different substances confirm the validity and specific ‘universality’ ofthe VFT equation. It has been shown that the empirical VFT equation isapproximate and possible corrections to this equation are found. As amain consequence, which follows from the correct ‘reading’ of the VFTequation and interpretation of complex permittivity functions with two ormore characteristic relaxation times, we suggest a new type of kineticequation containing non-integer (fractional) integrals and derivatives. Wesuppose that this kinetic equation describes a wide class of dielectricrelaxation phenomena taking place in heterogeneous substances.
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