The sexual dimorphism and the effects of castration on the duct system of the rat submandibular glands were studied with the transmission electron microscope. Not only the simple observation of fine structure, but also morphometric measurement of various inclusions and elements of the constituent cells of the duct system were performed.1. The duct system of the rat submandibular gland consists of the intercalated duct, striated duct, granular duct and excretory duct. The intercalated duct contains three cell types ; dark cell, granulated cell and basal cell. The striated duct is composed of only one cell type that is called striated duct cell, though its cytoplasm varies in electron density from cell to cell. The constituent cells of the granular duct are classified into five types in this paper as follows : basal cell, dark narrow cell, light narrow cell, light granular cell, and dark granular cell. The excretory duct consists of three types of cells ; light columnar cell, dark columnar cell and basal cell.2. The granulated cells of the intercalated duct contain secretory granules in both sexes, but the number of granules predominates in female over male glands. The castration of male rats causes the decrease of granule number in this cell type.3. The development of striated duct is better in female than in male. Almost all cells of the striated duct of female rats contain secretory granules, but in male non-granulated cells predominate over the granulated cells. Instead of granules, there are very small vesicles in the apical part of the non-granulated cells of the male striated duct. The effect of castration is slight in this part of the duct, but the appearance of cells after castration is a little similar to the case in female.4. The two courses of differentiation of epithelial cells of the granular duct were assumed : a) basal cell → dark narrow cell → dark granular cell → light granular cell, b) striated duct cell →light narrow cell → light granular cell.5. The granular duct shows most conspicuously the sexual dimorphism among various parts of the rat submandibular gland. The male granular duct always predominates over the female duct. Castration may inhibit the differentiation of cells in the granular duct, resulting in the decrease in volume of light granules as well as the number of light granular cells, that is thought to be the most differentiated type of the cells. The number of dark granular cells was increased, probably as the result of inhibition of differentiation from the dark granular cells into light granular cells.6. The sexual difference as well as the effect of castration was vague in fine structure of cells in the final part of the duct system, that is the excretory duct.
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