This paper presents a synthesis of higher-order control Lyapunov functions (HOCLFs) and higher-order control barrier functions (HOCBFs) capable of controlling nonlinear dynamic systems while maintaining safety. Building on previous Lyapunov and barrier formulations, we first investigate the feasibility of the Lyapunov and barrier function approach in controlling a non-affine dynamic system under certain convexity conditions. Then we propose an HOCLF form that ensures convergence of non-convex dynamics with convex control inputs to target states. We combine the HOCLF with the HOCBF to ensure forward invariance of admissible sets and guarantee safety. This online non-convex optimal control problem is then formulated as a convex Quadratic Program (QP) that can be efficiently solved on board for real-time applications. Lastly, we determine the HOCLBF coefficients using a heuristic approach where the parameters are tuned and automatically decided to ensure the feasibility of the QPs, an inherent major limitation of high-order CBFs. The efficacy of the suggested algorithm is demonstrated on the real-time six-degree-of-freedom powered descent optimal control problem, where simulation results were run efficiently on a standard laptop.
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