Interest in studying the structure and dynamics ofvortices—the traditional objects of investigation in themechanics of fluids—has grown in recent years due tothe development of remote methods, which made itpossible to detect large groups of discrete vortex flowsin the atmosphere, ocean, and laboratory installations.The pronounced spiral structures with a transverse sizefrom several hundreds of meters to hundreds of kilometers are observed in the ocean [1, 2]. Vortices ofeven larger sizes are visualized by cloudy systems in theatmosphere [3]. The conditions and dynamics of theirformation remain insufficiently investigated.Under laboratory conditions, the dyespot transformation into spiral arms on the surface of a fluid in auniformly rotating pool of cylindrical or rectangularcross section was observed early in the last century [4].The dye penetrated deep into the fluid along thincylindrical surfaces figuratively called “the dye wall.”Individual observations [4] were repeated after30 years in several separate experiments [5], the interpretation of which was based on the analogy betweentwodimensional rotating and stratified flows. Such ananalogy for the twodimensional flows was justifiedlater in [6]. The spiral structures can be seen in individual horizontal cross sections within the thickness ofthe fluid rotating in the closed container in which nonaxisymmetric inertial waves [7] were artificiallyexcited.Although the illustrations from a previous study [4]were included in a number of monographs [8], thedyetransport mechanisms were not investigated,which is explained by the difficulty in carrying themout and in the interpretation of results of fine experiments in globally rotating fluids.A simpler flow allowing one to study the effect ofrotation on matter transport is the composite vortexformed by a rotating disk in an open cylindrical container. Here the free surface, the shape of whichreflects the pressure distribution, remains open andmakes it possible to introduce a marking admixture atan arbitrary distance from the rotation axis as in thecase of a globally rotating system [4, 5]. Previousexperiments showed that the dye spot introduced intoan arbitrary point of the compositevortex surface outside of the rotation axis is transformed into spiral armson the free surface and into dyed cylindrical surfaces inits body [9]. The pattern of the flow formed as a resultof introducing a marking admixture in the center ofthe composite vortex was not studied previously. Inthis study, we traced for the first time the transformation of a round spot of the marking admixture introduced into the center of the surface cavity in a singlespiral arm.The experiments were carried out in a cylindricalcontainer of radius