Attempts to construct chromodyons---objects with both magnetic charge and non-Abelian electric charge---in the context of spontaneously broken gauge theories have been thwarted in the past by topological obstructions to globally defining the unbroken non-Abelian ``color'' subgroup. In this paper we consider the possibility of chromodyons in a theory with SO(5) broken to $\mathrm{SU}(2)\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\mathrm{U}(1)$, where the topological obstructions are absent. We start by constructing a monopole with only magnetic charge. By exciting a global gauge zero mode about this monopole, we obtain a chromodyonic configuration that is an approximate solution of the field equations. We then numerically simulate the time evolution of this initial state, to see if it settles down in a stationary solution. Instead, we find that chromoelectric charge is continually radiated away, with every indication that this process will continue until this charge has been completely lost. We argue that this presents strong evidence against the existence of stable chromodyons.
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