The application of optimal control theory to complex problems in fluid mechanics has proven to be quite effective when complete state information from high-resolution numerical simulations is available [P. Moin, T.R. Bewley, Appl. Mech. Rev., Part 2 47 (6) (1994) S3–S13; T.R. Bewley, P. Moin, R. Temam, J. Fluid Mech. (1999), submitted for publication]. In this approach, an iterative optimization algorithm based on the repeated computation of an adjoint field is used to optimize the controls for finite-horizon nonlinear flow problems [F. Abergel, R. Temam, Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 1 (1990) 303–325]. In order to extend this infinite-dimensional optimization approach to control externally disturbed flows in which the controls must be determined based on limited noisy flow measurements alone, it is necessary that the controls computed be insensitive to both state disturbances and measurement noise. For this reason, robust control theory, a generalization of optimal control theory, has been examined as a technique by which effective control algorithms which are insensitive to a broad class of external disturbances may be developed for a wide variety of infinite-dimensional linear and nonlinear problems in fluid mechanics. An aim of the present paper is to put such algorithms into a rigorous mathematical framework, for it cannot be assumed at the outset that a solution to the infinite-dimensional robust control problem even exists. In this paper, conditions on the initial data, the parameters in the cost functional, and the regularity of the problem are established such that existence and uniqueness of the solution to the robust control problem can be proven. Both linear and nonlinear problems are treated, and the 2D and 3D nonlinear cases are treated separately in order to get the best possible estimates. Several generalizations are discussed and an appropriate numerical method is proposed.
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