Let R:=K[x1,…,xn] be a polynomial ring over an infinite field K, and let I⊂R be a homogeneous ideal with respect to a weight vector ω=(ω1,…,ωn)∈(Z+)n such that dim(R/I)=d. In this paper we study the minimal graded free resolution of R/I as A-module, that we call the Noether resolution of R/I, whenever A:=K[xn−d+1,…,xn] is a Noether normalization of R/I. When d=2 and I is saturated, we give an algorithm for obtaining this resolution that involves the computation of a minimal Gröbner basis of I with respect to the weighted degree reverse lexicographic order. In the particular case when R/I is a 2-dimensional semigroup ring, we also describe the multigraded version of this resolution in terms of the underlying semigroup. Whenever we have the Noether resolution of R/I or its multigraded version, we obtain formulas for the corresponding Hilbert series of R/I, and when I is homogeneous, we obtain a formula for the Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of R/I. Moreover, in the more general setting that R/I is a simplicial semigroup ring of any dimension, we provide its Macaulayfication.As an application of the results for 2-dimensional semigroup rings, we provide a new upper bound for the Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of the coordinate ring of a projective monomial curve. Finally, we describe the multigraded Noether resolution and the Macaulayfication of either the coordinate ring of a projective monomial curve C⊆PKn associated to an arithmetic sequence or the coordinate ring of any canonical projection πr(C) of C to PKn−1.
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