A new, R-graph based, superstructure and corresponding MINLP model for designing conventional distillation columns are presented. A GDP representation (GR) of the superstructure is first constructed, then it is transformed to MINLP representation to which, in turn, additional trivial improvements are added. The new model has been tested on binary mixture examples, and the obtained results are compared to the results of an MINLP model which developed according to the GDP model of Yeomans and Grossmann. 9 The new model yields shorter computation time and provides better local optima. Additionally, the new model has been used for optimizing a complex multicomponent separation system consisting of several distillation columns. In order to handle such a complex system with a huge number of nonlinear equations, the outer approximation algorithm is modified to provide good initial values for the NLP subproblems. Distillation is one of the most widespread processes applied for separating multicomponent liquid mixtures. It is used for working up large volume or stream, and it requires high investment and operation outlays. The significance of the design of economically optimal distillation processes is of no question. Enormous interest has also been addressed to the area of designing optimal heat integrated distillation columns and distillation sequences. Minimizing the cost of a distillation process implies finding the optimal configuration of each individual column, as well. In the present article we consider staged column models only. The number of stages, and the stage numbers of the feed and side-stream points, are discrete decision variables. The total cost of a column may be modeled as the sum of the fix (capital) cost, depending on the number of stages and on the column diameter, and the variable (operation) cost related to the utility consumption. The objective of the design procedure is to find the optimal configuration of the column, which has the minimum total (annualized) cost. In order to model these processes, discrete decisions are required for calculating the number of stages. Optimizing single columns is a well-known procedure; all the basic textbooks outline how to do it in an easy manner. 1 After approximately determining the minimum and the estimated optimal number of theoretical stages, optimizing over the continuous variables is performed at varied values of the discrete variables. This is a 2-dimension discrete array of continuous optimization tasks in the case of a single-feed, two-product column, because there are merely two column sections in this case. This task becomes much more difficult if several feeds and side-products are to be taken into account. The real problem, however, is synthesizing a distillation sequence, or a system of advanced distillation columns, or a complex flowsheet containing distillation units when the number of distillation columns and their connections are not known in advance. In order to solve the complex synthesis problem outlined above, a proper superstructure for a single column, together with a proper generalized disjunctive programming (GDP) model or a proper mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model, is a minimum requirement. Once such a model works well for a single column, the problem of more complex flowsheets may also be addressed. Mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) and generalized disjunctive programming (GDP) are the two exact methodologies commonly applied for solving process engineering problems with discrete decisions. The former includes algebraic equations describing the process, and binary variables related to discrete decisions. The latter method uses logic variables and expressions to represent the problem. 2 Both formulations have been successfully applied to rigorous models of distillation columns. Both methods apply a fixed maximum number of stages, and the actually used stages are selected from this set. Mathematical formulations that represent rigorous models of distillation column configurations fall into two categories: (i) one task-one equipment (OTOE) representations and (ii) variable task-equipment (VTE) representations. 3
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