14N- and 15N-labelled ammonium, urea, and nitrate were used to determine mutual influence effects on uptake in Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve. The following combinations of N sources showed mutual interference on uptake rates: ammonium on nitrate, ammonium + urea on nitrate, urea on ammonium, nitrate + urea on ammonium, nitrate on urea, ammonium on urea, and ammonium + nitrate on urea, whereas there was no mutual interference of nitrate on ammonium and of urea on nitrate. In all cases, but one, the uptake rates were constant throughout the incubation period. The uptake rate of nitrate, with the simultaneous addition of ammonium + urea, decreased in a hyperbolic manner with time. The summed uptake rates for an oxidized (nitrate) and a reduced N source (urea, ammonium) greatly exceeded the uptake rate necessary to maintain the preconditioned growth rate, whereas the summed uptake rate of two reduced N sources exceeded this maintenance rate to a lesser degree. The experiments were begun immediately before the preconditioned cells had used the available nitrate. A model is described whereby the uptake of 15N can be calculated in uptake experiments, where the initial amount of cellular N is known instead of the final, and where there is a simultaneous uptake of other (unlabelled) N sources.