Experimental studies were carried out with theoretical calculations of wave synthesis in the Ni–Al–Cu system were performed using the mathematical model developed. Approximate analytical formulas were obtained for synthesis performance evaluation. The inverse problem method was used to get kinetic constants that determine process dynamics based on the experimental data and analytical relationships. It is shown that the combustion front propagation velocity increases monotonically with an increase in the reaction sample relative density in the range of relative density values of 0.4 to 0.6. The depth of copper melt penetration from the center of the sample into the nickel-aluminum matrix depends on the relative density of the sample and copper wire diameter: higher densities and larger diameters lead to an increase in the liquid-phase impregnation area. The rate of nickel and aluminum powder frame wetting with copper melt is limited by the synthesis wave speed. Based on the experimental data and analytical ratios, we estimated the effective kinetic constants describing the high-temperature synthesis of the Ni + Al reaction mixture in the presence of copper additives. The thermal effect of the NiAl intermetallic formation reaction and the preexponential factor in the chemical transformation equation are calculated, the exponent value in the ratio for the mixture thermal conductivity is established; a constant determining the process of nickel-aluminum matrix impregnation with copper melt is found. The macroscopic approach used to analyze the NiAl intermetallic synthesis makes it possible to determine all the desired physicochemical characteristics and model parameters. The mathematical model is suitable for predictive estimates and experimental data analysis in the macroscopic approximation. Approximate analytical formulas are obtained for calculating the NiAl intermetallic synthesis characteristics. They allow for calculating the through channel characteristics and can be used in the design of NiAl products.