Abstract The available experimental Y ( A , TKE ) data for 236,238,240,242,244 Pu(SF) together with the Zp model prescription with appropriate parameters allows the investigation of even–odd effects in fragment distributions. The size of the global even–odd effect in Y ( Z ) is decreasing from 244 Pu(SF) to 236 Pu(SF) confirming the general observation of a decrease of the even–odd effect with the fissility parameter. Charge polarizations (Δ Z ) and root-mean squares (rms) as a function of A of 236–244 Pu(SF) were obtained for the first time. In the asymmetric fission region both Δ Z ( A ) and rms ( A ) exhibit oscillations with a periodicity of about 5 mass units due to the even–odd effects. The total average charge deviations 〈 Δ Z 〉 (obtained by averaging Δ Z ( A ) over the experimental Y ( A ) distribution) are of about |0.5| for all studied Pu(SF) systems. The comparison of the calculated Δ Z ( A ) and rms ( A ) of 240 Pu(SF) with those of 239 Pu ( n th , f ) reported by Wahl shows an in-phase oscillation with a higher amplitude in the case of 240 Pu(SF), confirming the higher even–odd effect in the case of SF. As in the previously studied cases ( 233,235 U ( n th , f ) , 239 Pu ( n th , f ) , 252 Cf(SF)) the even–odd effects in the prompt emission of 236–244 Pu(SF) are mainly due to the Z even–odd effects in fragment distributions and charge polarizations and the N even–odd effects in the average neutron separation energies from fragments 〈 Sn 〉 . The size of the global N even–odd effect in 〈 Sn 〉 is decreasing with the fissility parameter, being higher for the Pu(SF) systems compared to the previously studied systems. The prompt neutron multiplicities as a function of Z , ν ( Z ) , exhibit sawtooth shapes with a visible staggering for asymmetric fragmentations. The size of the global Z even–odd effect in ν ( Z ) exhibits a decreasing trend with increasing fissility. The average prompt neutron multiplicities as a function of TKE show an increase of the even–odd effect with increasing TKE, with global effect sizes close to each other (a decrease of the effect for heavier fissioning nuclei is not observed here). The amounts of the global even–odd effect in Y ( Z ) and of the N even–odd effect in 〈 Sn 〉 of 240 Pu(SF) are larger compared to 239 Pu ( n th , f ) . This fact affects the prompt emission leading to a lower Z even–odd effect in the prompt neutron multiplicity of 240 Pu(SF) compared to 239 Pu ( n th , f ) .
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