Antibody-based pharmaceuticals often encompass a complex structural heterogeneity requiring enhanced analytical methods for reliable characterization of variants and degradation products. We have explored the capabilities of low-flow sheathless capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) for the high-resolution and sensitive profiling of antibody therapeutics. Near-zero electroosmotic flow was achieved by employing a novel neutral capillary coating that also prevents protein adsorption. CE-MS analysis of intact model proteins using an acidic background electrolyte demonstrated satisfactory performance, with overall migration-time RSDs below 2.2% from three different capillaries tested. For system evaluation, three nanobody preparations, including mono- and bivalent forms, and three monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were analyzed. Intact nanobodies were resolved from their degradation products, which could be assigned to deamidated, cleaved, and truncated forms at the C-terminal tag. Excellent resolution of isomeric deamidated products was obtained. The mAbs were analyzed intact and after digestion by the endoproteinase IdeS (middle-up approach). CE-MS of intact mAbs provided resolution of clipped species (e.g. light chain and light chain-heavy chain fragments) from the native protein. Moreover, glycoforms containing sialic acids were resolved from their non-sialylated counterparts. For IdeS-digested, F (ab)2 and Fc/2 portions where efficiently resolved for the three mAbs. Whereas the migration time of the Fc/2 fragments was fairly similar, the migration time of the F (ab)2 part was strongly varied among the mAbs. For all mAbs, separation of Fc/2 charge variants - including sialylated glycoforms and other post-translational modifications, such as loss of C-terminal lysine or asparagine deamidation - was achieved. This allowed a detailed and reliable assessment of the Fc/2 heterogeneity (18–33 proteoforms) of the three analyzed mAbs.
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