Feline obesity is one of the most prevalent health issues in cats, especially following neutering, a method used for population control. Neutering is an essential measure for public health and animal welfare, which is also associated with increased food intake in cats. This procedure leads to a hormonal decrease, resulting in a reduced energy requirement for the animal. This combination often leads to weight gain if nutritional control is not implemented. With this in mind, the aim of this study is to assess the knowledge of cat owners, through a questionnaire, about nutritional management for neutered cats, emphasizing their specific needs, challenges following neutering, and dietary strategies to ensure their health and quality of life. A total of 54 responses were included, revealing that no owner follows the manufacturer’s feeding recommendations. Most owners understand the importance of nutrition but practice improper feeding, including the provision of treats. However, all respondents indicated a willingness to improve the animals' nutritional management with appropriate guidance. To address these issues, an informational guide was developed to provide advice on appropriate feeding and care for cats post-neutering. This guide includes information on specific nutritional needs, the importance of dietary control, suggestions for physical activities, and general care to promote feline well-being. The initiative aims to support owners in implementing more informed and effective practices, helping to prevent issues such as obesity and promoting a better quality of life for their pets. Continuous education for owners is essential to ensure that neutered cats receive adequate care, thereby contributing to their health and happiness.