Article1 December 1936STUDIES IN HODGKIN'S DISEASEIII. CLINICAL APPLICATION OF THE GORDON TEST (A SYNDROME OF ATAXIA, SPASM AND PARALYSIS INDUCED IN RABBITS BY THE INTRACEREBRAL INJECTION OF EMULSIFIED HODGKIN'S TISSUE)*EARLE M. CHAPMANEARLE M. CHAPMANSearch for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Information SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptThe description by Gordon1, 2in 1932 of a biological test for Hodgkin's disease aroused widespread interest. Van Rooyen3in Scotland made a trial of the test and later, in a paper published in this country, van Rooyen and Olgivie4expressed the opinion that it had proved itself to be of definite clinical value. Our own evaluation of this test as a diagnostic aid in the differentiation of the Hodgkin's type of lymphoblastoma is presented here after three years of experience in which material from 16 cases of Hodgkin's disease and 30 cases of other types of lymphadenopathy has been...Bibliography1. HORDER T: Rose research on lymphadenoma, 1932, John Wright and Sons, Ltd., London. Google Scholar2. GORDON MH: Remarks on Hodgkin's disease, Brit. Med. Jr., 1933, i, 641. CrossrefGoogle Scholar3. VAN ROOYEN CE: Some properties of the encephalitogenic agent in lymphadenomatous tissue, Brit. Med. Jr., 1934, i, 519. CrossrefGoogle Scholar4. OLGIVIEVAN ROOYEN RFCE: Value of Gordon's test in diagnosis of mediastinal Hodgkin's disease, Jr. Am. Med. Assoc., 1934, cii, 1842. Google Scholar5. FRIEDEMANN U: The pathogenic agent in normal human bone marrow, Brit. Med. Jr., 1934, i, 517. CrossrefGoogle Scholar6. MACKENZIEVAN ROOYEN ICE: Relationship of Jochmann's and other enzymes to the encephalitogenic agent in lymphadenomatous lymphatic glands, Brit. Med. Jr., 1935, i, 406. CrossrefGoogle Scholar7. HANSON MH: Biological phenomena in Hodgkin's disease, Minnesota Med., 1935, xviii, 263. Google Scholar8. VAN DER HOEDENHULST JLA: De Ziekte van Hodgkin en de Proef van Gordon, Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., 1934, lxxviii, 4305. Google Scholar9. JOCHMANNLOCKEMANN GG: Hofmeister's Beitrage, 1908, ii, 449. Google Scholar10. BRONFENBRENNER JJ: On the particulate nature of bacteriophage, Jr. Exper. Med., 1927, xlv, 873. CrossrefGoogle Scholar11. KELSERKING RALS: Studies of a paralysis syndrome in rabbits and guinea pigs by extracts of normal primate bone marrow, Am. Jr. Path., 1936, xii, 317. Google Scholar12. GOLDSTEIN JD: The "Gordon test" for Hodgkin's disease, Am. Jr. Med. Sci., 1936, cxci, 775. CrossrefGoogle Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: Boston, Massachusetts*Received for publication August 27, 1936.From the Department of Pathology and the X-Ray Treatment Clinic.†Dalton Scholar, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited byThe pathogenesis and management of neurological complications in patients with malignant lymphomas and leukemiaObservation on the nature of Gordon's encephalitogenic agentOBSERVATIONS ON THE CELLULAR BASIS OF THE GORDON TEST FOR LYMPHADENOMADiscussion on the Ætiology and Diagnosis of Lymphadenoma 1 December 1936Volume 10, Issue 6Page: 742-747KeywordsBrainClinical trialsHodgkin lymphomaLesions Issue Published: 1 December 1936 PDF downloadLoading ...
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