This paper proposes an adaptive output feedback full state constrain (FSC) controller based on the adaptive neural disturbance observer (ANDO) for a nonlinear electro-hydraulic system (NEHS) with unmodeled dynamics. The Barrier Lyapunov Functions (BLFs) are utilized to ensure that all states of the system are specified within the constraints, and the approximation ability of radial basis function neural networks (RBFNNs) is used to cope with the unknown nonlinear functions. An adaptive neural compensation disturbance observer is elaborated to estimate the compound disturbance and oil leakage fault, effectively addressing these negative effects. Subsequently, observer-based output feedback command filter scheme is developed to diminish the explosion of complexity in the taking derivative procedure and obtain high precise tracking performance. The convergence of tracking errors into a small region around the equilibrium is demonstrated by the Lyapunov stability theory. Ultimately, simulation, experiment, and comparative studies are provided to further validate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach.
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