GIRIS ve AMAC: Premature dogumlarin 34 0/7 ve 36 6/7 gebelik haftasi arasinda olanlari icin “gec preterm” terimi kullanilmaktadir. Premature dogumlarin buyuk bir kismini “gec preterm” bebekler olusturmaktadirlar. Antropometrik olcumleri term bebeklere yakin olmasina ragmen artmis mortalite ve morbidite riskleri vardir. Bu calismada ucuncu basamak hastanedeki gec dogumlarin erken donem sorunlarini incelemeyi amacladik. YONTEM ve GERECLER: Bu calismada 3. basamak referans hastanesinde 01/01/2016-31/12/2016 tarihleri arasinda dogan 210 gec bebek, retrospektif olarak incelenmistir. BULGULAR: Bir yillik surede gerceklesen dogumlarin, %20,1’i gec olarak saptandi ve tum premature dogumlarin %65’i gec pretermlerden olusmaktaydi. Gec bebeklerin %58’inin yenidogan yogun bakim unitesine yatisi gerekti. En sik yatis nedenlerinin gecici takipne (%31,1), konjenital anomali (%18,8) ve tedavi gerektiren sarilik (%16,3) oldugu goruldu. Dusuk gestasyonel hafta ve sezaryan dogum varligi, yatis gereken hastalarda istatistiksel olarak anlamli oranda yuksek saptandi. Mortalite orani %2,7 olup, konjenital anomali varliginda (%30,43’e %0,53, p<0,001) ve erkek cinsiyette (%87,5’e %12,5, p=0,033) bu oraninin arttigi goruldu. TARTISMA ve SONUC: Gec bebeklerin artmis mortalite ve morbidite risklerine ragmen, bu haftalardaki endikasyonsuz sezaryan dogumlar devam etmektedir. Anne yaninda izleme alinan gec bebekler solunum sorunlari, beslenme sorunlari, hiperbilirubinemi, hipoglisemi ve hipotermi acisindan yakin takip edilmelidir. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The preterm term is used for premature births between 34 0/7 and 36 6/7 gestational week. Most premature babies are preterm babies. Although anthropometric measurements are close to term infants, there is increased risk of mortality and morbidity. In this study, we aimed to investigate in the neonatal period problems of late labor in the tertiary referral hospital. METHODS: In this study, 210 late infants born between 01/01/2016-31/12/2016 in the tertiary referral hospital were retrospectively examined. RESULTS: Twenty percent of births in one year were detected as late preterm, and 65% of all premature births were of late preterm. Fifty eight percent of late infants were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. The most frequent causes of hospitalization were transient tachypnea (31.1%), congenital anomaly (18.8%) and jaundice requiring treatment (16.3%). Low gestational week and cesarean birth were statistically significantly higher in patients requiring hospitalization. The mortality rate was 2.7%, and increased in the presence of congenital anomalies (30.43%, 0.53%, p <0.001) and male gender (87.5%, 12.5%, p = 0.033). DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION: Despite the increased mortality and morbidity risks of late infants, cesarean births without indications are still continuing in these weeks. Late infants who are followed up with mother care should be followed closely for respiratory problems, nutritional problems, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia and hypothermia. Keywords: Late preterm, premature, newborn