
Aim. To assess the impact of chronic arterial hyper-tension on clinical and metabolic adaptation of fullterm newborns. Methods. 65 full-term neonates born to women with chronic arterial hypertension were included in the study. 42 neonates born to women with arterial hypertension stage I were enrolled into Group 1, and 23 neonates born to mothers with arterial hypertension stage II were included in Group 2. Levels of renin, angiotensin II, aldosterone, natriuretic peptides, endothelin-1 in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood were measured with the ELISA. Stable nitric oxide metabolites levels were measured using the Griess assay. Results. Chronic high blood pressure during pregnancy has been found to affect fetal central nervous system and cardiovascular system. Early neonatal period in infants of women with chronic arterial hypertension is associated with a high incidence of perinatal CNS injury, continuing with little change during the first three months of life. The features of the cardiovascular system in neonates of women with arterial hypertension stage II include hypertension and tachycardia at birth, violation of atrioventricular conduction on the first three days of life, open patent foramen ovale up to the first three months of life, whereas neonates born to women with arterial hyper-tension stage I have hypotension on the first day of life. Elevated levels of angiotensin II in neonates born to women with chronic arterial hypertension at birth and reduced levels of endogenous nitrite in the first three months of life suggest the activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the antenatal period, which may cause endothelial dysfunction in early infancy. Conclusions. 1. Chronic high blood pressure in pregnancy is as-sociated with perinatal CNS damage in the newborn, continued during the first three months of life. 2. Stage 1 of hypertension in pregnancy associated with hypotension in newborns on the first day of life; and stage 2 of hypertension in pregnancy associated with hypertension and tachycardia newborn at birth, a violation of his atrioventricular conduction on the 3rd day of life and preservation until the age of three open oval window. 3. Chronic high blood pressure in pregnancy is as-sociated with an increase in cord blood levels of angiotensin II decrease in peripheral blood concentration of endogenous nitrite in the age of three months.


  • 65 full-term neonates born to women with chronic arterial hypertension were included in the study. 42 neonates born to women with arterial hyper­ tension stage I were enrolled into Group 1, and 23 neo­ nates born to mothers with arterial hypertension stage II were included in Group 2

  • The features of the cardiovascular system in neonates of women with arterial hypertension stage II include hypertension and tachycardia at birth, violation of atrioventricular conduction on the first three days of life, open patent foramen ovale up to the first three months of life, whereas neonates born to women with arterial hyper­ tension stage I have hypotension on the first day of life

  • Chronic high blood pressure in pregnancy is as­ sociated with perinatal CNS damage in the newborn, continued during the first three months of life

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Оценка влияния хронической артериальной гипертензии (АГ) на клиническую и метаболическую адаптацию доношенных новорожденных детей. В раннем неонатальном периоде у детей от женщин с хронической артериальной гипертензией, имеет место высокая частота перинатального пора­ жения ЦНС, сохраняющаяся на протяжении первых трёх месяцев жизни. Выявленное повышение уровня ангиотензина II у детей от женщин с хронической АГ при рождении и снижение к 3-м месяцам жизни кон­ центрации эндогенного нитрита, свидетельствуют об активации ренин-ангиотензин-альдостероновой системы в антенатальном периоде, что впоследствии может привести к нарушению функционального со­ стояния эндотелия в младенческом возрасте. 3. Хроническое повышение артериального давле­ ния во время беременности ассоциировано с повы­ шением в пуповинной крови уровня ангиотензина II и снижением в периферической крови концентра­ ции эндогенного нитрита в трехмесячном возрасте. Для цит ирования: Чистякова Г.Н., Ремизова И.И., Бычкова С.В., Занина Е.В., Шабалдин А.В.

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