Introduction: Current vascular tissue-engineering using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) predominantly relies on somatic cells obtained from newborn or fetal donors. However, iPSCs sourced from aged individuals exhibit epigenetic differences in angiogenic genes that may hinder their utility in iPSC derived vasculature. We hypothesized that, due to these differences, iPSCs from aged donors will exhibit decreased vasculogenic potential. Methods: We differentiated iPSCs into endothelial progenitors (iEPs) and encapsulated them in an interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel containing norbornene-functionalized hyaluronic acid and Collagen I at cell densities and hydrogel stiffness optimal for vasculogenesis. Seven days after encapsulation, the hydrogels were fixed, and the resulting microvasculature imaged. We then utilized a previously developed computational pipeline to quantify several vasculogenic properties. Results: We derived iEPs from four separate iPSC lines: 2 sourced from neonatal donors (ND) and 2 from mature donors (MD). Irrespective of donor age, differentiation yielded ~15% (n=4) iEPs of the total cell population. The two ND lines developed a similar plexus, whereas this structure was diminished in one adult line and absent in the second. Between iEPs matched for sex and somatic cell origin, there is a 50% decrease in vessel volume fraction and number of links between vessels, a 66% reduction in the percentage of vessels connected to the largest vessel, and a 43% reduction in branch points between vessels ( Fig. 1 ). Conclusion: Overall, these data suggest MD iEPs are less likely to form dense interconnected microvasculature as compared to ND iEPs. Interestingly, the average diameter did not change across all cell lines. This suggests that while MD iEPs exhibited cell clustering, they were less likely to branch out and interconnect with other clusters of iPSC-EPs to form interconnected networks