The effect of temperature T, electrode separation d and substrate temperature T s on the I–V characteristics of amorphous films 3500 Å thick, vapour deposited from the alloy TeAsGe (53:36:11 at. %) onto a glass substrate at room temperature, were investigated. The material displayed the behaviour of a negative resistance device with a memory. The behaviour for T=constant is described by the relation V = CI exp (− αI), where C and α are constants for a specimen at constant temperature. The threshold voltage at which the off state transforms to the negative resistance state decreased with T according to the relation V th = V 0 exp ( E v /2 kT), where E v = 0.21 eV. V th increased with d and decreased with T s and was related to changes in resistance and structure. Microscope examination showed the formation of filaments containing recrystalized structure arising from Joule heating.