The current drive capability of negative ion based neutral beam injection (N-NBI) in JT-60U has been extended to the reactor relevant regime.The driven current profile and current drive efficiency have been evaluated in a high electron temperature regime Te(0) ≈ 10 keV, and reasonable agreement with the theoretical prediction has been confirmed in this regime. TheN-NB driven current reached 1 MA with an injection power of 3.75 MW at a beam energy of 360 keV. A current drive efficiency of 1.55 × 1019A m-2 W-1, approaching the ITER requirement, was achieved in the high βp H mode plasma with Te(0) ≈ 13 keV.This current drive performance permitted sustainment of a high beta (βN = 2.5) and high confinement (HHy2 = 1.4) plasma in the full current driven condition at a plasma current of 1.5 MA. The influence of instabilities on the N-NBI current drive was studied.When a burst-like instability driven by N-NBI occurred in the central region, reductions in loop voltage near the magnetic axis and in the neutron production rate due to loss of beam ions were observed although the lost driven current was at most ∼7% of the total driven current.When a neoclassical tearing instability appeared in high beta plasmas, the loss of beam ions was enhanced with increasing instability activity.