In this work, we study two different quantum simulators composed of molecules with dipole-dipole interaction through various theoretical and numerical tools. Our first result provides knowledge of the quantum order by disorder effect of the S=1/2 system, which is programmable in a quantum simulator composed of circular Rydberg atoms in the triangular optical lattice with a controllable diagonal anisotropy. When the numbers of up spins and down spins are equal, a set of subextensive degenerate ground states is present in the classical limit, composed of continuous strings whose configuration enjoys a large degree of freedom. Among all possible configurations, we focus on the stripe (up and down spins aligning straightly) and kinked (up and down spins forming zigzag spin chains) patterns. Adopting the the real space perturbation theory, we estimate the leading order energy correction when the nearest-neighbor spin exchange coupling, J, is considered, and the overall model becomes an effective XXZ model with a spatial anisotropy. Our calculation demonstrates a lifting of the degeneracy, favoring the stripe configuration. When J becomes larger, we adopt the infinite projected entangled-pair state (iPEPS) and numerically check the effect of degeneracy lifting. The iPEPS results show that even when the spin exchange coupling is strong the stripe pattern is still favored. Next, we study the dipolar bosonic model with tilted polar angle which can be realized through a quantum simulator composed of cold atomic gas with dipole-dipole interaction in an optical lattice. By placing the atoms in a triangular lattice and tilting the polar angle, the diagonal anisotropy can also be realized in the bosonic system. With our cluster mean-field theory calculation, we provide various phase diagrams with different tilted angles, showing the abundant underlying phases including the supersolid. Our proposal indicates realizable scenarios through quantum simulators in studying the quantum effect as well as extraordinary phases. We believe that our results indicated here can also become a good benchmark for two-dimensional quantum simulators. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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