This is the first conference of this series the three of the lepton mixing angles are known. The non-zero value of the third mixing angle (θ13) has been reported by νe appearance in accelerator νμ beam and by ν¯e disappearance in reactor experiments. The observation of the νe appearance in νμ beam is the first clear evidence of the flavor oscillations. The results also show that neutrino oscillations phenomena can be described by three-generation scheme to the first approximation, where mixing of neutrinos can be described by three angles and one complex phase. There are two main issues to be investigated by neutrino oscillation experiments. One is the study of CP violation in lepton secto. Namely, the measurement of CP violating complex phase δCP and the studies of the nature of CP violation phenomena in lepton sector. The other is search for neutrinos beyond three generations. There are indications of the existence of additional neutrinos, which should be tested by definitive experiments. The number of neutrino species has important implications not only in particle physics but also in physics of early Universe. Also many fundamental natures of neutrinos remain to be studied, such as absolute values of masses, nature of the particle (Majorana or Dirac particle). This article concentrates on the future experimental prospects on the study of neutrino physics by means of neutrino oscillation.