R&urn&. - Le processus d'implantation d'ions Te, Sb et Sn implantts a l'aide d'un stparateur d'isotopes dans des monocristaux des elements du groupe IV (diamant, silicium et germanium), a BtB etudie par spectroscopie Mossbauer a l'aide de la transition de 24 keV de 11 9Sn ainsi que par des mesures complCmentaires de canalisation. 1lgrnSn (245 j), llgrnTe (4,7 j) et ll9Sb (38 h) ont Ctb implantes a des energies de 60 keV, des doses de 1013 a 1017 atomeslcm2 et des temperatures de 20 a 450 OC. Une grande proportion des isotopes sont implantts en substitution dans tous les cas. On discute la nature et la position possible d'un second site, observe dans certaines expbriences. Abstract. - The implantation behaviour of isotope-separator implanted Te, Sb, and Sn in single crystals of group-IV elements (diamond, silicon, and germanium) has been studied in Mossbauer experiments on the 24-keV transition of IlgSn and in complementing channeling experiments. Radio- active 1lgrnSn (245 d), 1lgrnTe (4.7 d), and ll9Sb (38 h) was implanted at energies of 60 keV, doses of 1013-1017 atoms/cmz, and temperatures of 20-450 OC. Large substitutional fractions are iden- tified for all implantations. The nature and possible position of a second site observed in some implantations is discussed. 1. Introduction. - Hyperfine investigations with impurity atoms implanted in solids by means of beam methods (such as nuclear-reaction recoil techniques or isotope-separator implantations) are often hampered by lack of information regarding the location of the implanted atoms and the influence of radiation damage created in the implantation process. It is generally assumed that for ion implantations at energies E 2 10 keV, the final lattice location of the implanted atoms (in theirmal equilibrium) is not dominantly determined by dynamical events during the slowing- down process but rather by interactions in the host lattice afterwards. This assumption is supported by the observation that implanted atoms of the same mass number but different atomic number end up in different lattice sites. The implantation behaviour depends also on implantation temperature and dose, radiation damage, and on the presence of other impurity atoms in the host lattice (I). For nuclear-reaction recoil implantations, where the hyperfine interactions are usually measured within picoseconds to milliseconds after implantation, thermal equilibrium of the sur- rounding distorted lattice may not be reached before the measurements are performed. However, in the case of isotope-separator implantations, where the measure- ment takes place hours or days after the implantation,