<p>橫跨熱帶與亞熱帶地區的台灣,處處都有蕨類的蹤跡,即使在高度發展的台北都市區裡,仍可見自發生長的蕨類旺盛生長,蕨類植物除了可增加都市生物多樣性提升生活舒適性,在恢復都市生態景觀中亦發揮著潛在的重要生態功能。本研究於2022年5月至 2023年3月的10個月間,透過台北都市區進行依附建物生長蕨類的種類、土地使用分區、方位、棲息地年齡 (建築開發後的年數) 與材質等調查,探索台北都會區建築的蕨類分布及其生態特性。在台北12個行政區486樣區內,共紀錄23種蕨類,其中出現頻度超過5%的6個物種,依頻度高低排序,分別為鱗蓋鳳尾蕨 (Pteris vittata L.)、鳳尾蕨 (Pteris multifida Poir.)、鐵線蕨 (Adiantum capillus-veneris L.)、腎蕨 (Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) C.Presl)、野小毛蕨 (Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy)、東洋山蘇花 (Asplenium setoi N. Murak. & Seriz. )。蕨類所依附之建築年齡至少要50年以上,棲位以牆角 (43%) 與牆面 (28%) 居多,基質以水泥 (41%) 與磚牆 (32%) 佔優勢,本研究顯示逾20種台灣原生蕨類植物可生存在台北都市區幾近無土且人為嚴重干擾的嚴苛環境中,首度證實多種台灣原生蕨類族群在都市裡可穩定生長開始,納入都市景觀的潛力要件,為都市景觀增添多樣性及野性氣息,可在規劃都市設計時綠建築與發展景觀生物多樣性時之植物素材,落實親生命城市規劃目標。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>In the metropolitan area of Taipei, ferns could grow spontaneously. In the tropical-subtropical region of Taiwan, we can observe them everywhere. Ferns play an important role in the horticultural business. significance and provide important ecological services. In addition to climate change and its destruction of natural habitats, it may lead to widespread loss of biodiversity; however, the high abundance of ferns and soil structure, which is more abundant in steep, dry and wet soil areas, through Reducing runoff from roads, mitigating splash and hydro-surface erosion processes, trapping sediment from which plant seeds can germinate, providing nutrient-rich runoff, and moderating harsh surface temperature environments all play potentially important ecological roles in urban ecological landscape restoration. The research investigates fern species, land-use subdivisions, building age, location, and growth matrix in Taipei metropolitan area over a 10-month period from May 2022 to March 2023. The results show that 23 fern species were recorded in 489 plots across 12 administrative districts of Taipei City, with 6 species occurring at a frequency of more than 5%. These species include Pteris vittata L., Pteris multifida Poir., Adiantum capillus-veneris L., Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) C.Presl, Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy, and Asplenium setoi N. Murak. & Seriz. Ferns were found exclusively on old buildings, typically at least 50 years old. The primary locations for fern growth were wall corners (43%) and wall surfaces (28%), with cement (41%) and brick (32%) being the most predominant growth matrices. This study highlights that certain fern species can thrive in harsh environments without soil and with minimal human interference, such as those found in the Taipei metropolitan area. As a result, ferns hold potential as plant materials for building, landscape, and urban planning designers in the future. This study first documented that many native ferns can stably grow in urban areas. They are now considered to be potential elements for urban landscapes, adding diversity and wildness. These ferns can serve as plant materials for green buildings and contribute to enhancing urban biodiversity. This aligns with the goal of creating biophilia cities that prioritize life and well-being.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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