Uterus transplantation (UTx) is a rapidly evolving treatment for uterine factor infertility. New centers offering this treatment must decide whether to utilize living donors, deceased donors, or both. Although limiting UTx to deceased donors eliminates the surgical risks for living donors, an adequate supply of suitable deceased uterus donors in the United States is an emerging concern. Previous studies describing the paucity of deceased uterus donors failed to consider key donor characteristics, potentially overestimating the available organ pool. To estimate the United States’ supply of deceased donor uteri; we extrapolated detailed clinical and demographic information from the regional donor datasets available from three organ procurement organizations to the national Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network donor pool. We estimate there are approximately 3700 possible and 400 optimal uterus donors annually in the United States. Given these projections and the number of women with uterine factor infertility in the U.S. who pursue parenthood through alternative strategies, we conclude that, as uterus transplant transitions from research to established clinical care, demand could quickly exceed the deceased donor supply. The liberalization of deceased donor selection criteria may be insufficient to address this imbalance; therefore, fulfilling the anticipated increased demand for uterus transplantation may require and justify greater use of living donors.
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