The main stages of development of neoprotectionism are considered in the article,the basic methods and mechanisms of protection of national interests in agrarian policy ofdifferent countries of the world are analyzed. The consequences of the world policy of neo –protectionism on the development of the agrarian branch of Ukraine are studied. In general,the article examines the formation of modern models of economic development based onneoprotectionism. As international experience shows, the use of neo-protectionist measuresto protect domestic producers and conquer new markets, they have both positive and negativeeffects, it all depends on the term of their application.The aim of the study is to identify current trends in neo-protectionism in worldagricultural policy. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study were economic theoriesof protectionist doctrine, theories of state regulation of the economy, the work of domesticand foreign economists on economic policy and state regulation of economic processes,management of foreign economic activity aimed at restoring the country's foreign tradebalance. The following methods were used in the research process: historical, abstract-logical,comparison, methods of economic analysis.The agricultural sector is a guarantor of food security of the country, as well as adriving force for innovation in production processes. The agricultural sector in terms ofthe introduction of new technologies and innovations is quite developed, this applies toboth technological innovation and the introduction of IT technologies in management andanalytics, etc. Thus, support for agricultural production not only guarantees their own foodsecurity, but also gives impetus to the development of other sectors of the economy, which inturn increase the productivity of agricultural production and its competitiveness. Therefore,the developed countries of the world build their agrarian policy, first of all, focusing on theirown producer, protection of national interests and natural resources, as well as, the conquestof world markets.Analysis of the development of agrarian policy in different countries shows that theprotection of national interests at the beginning of the most developed economies of the worldand was the prerequisite that enabled the economic growth of these countries. Thus, developingcountries, including Ukraine, must pursue a policy of neo-protectionism in order to stabilizetheir economies, become competitive, and give impetus to its growth. And this, in the beginning,is impossible without state support and protection. After all, the sometimes aggressive policyof the already developed countries of the world does not allow the formation of its ownproduction, which needs time to increase the pace of development. This requires a national andinternational policy in which preferences will initially be given to Ukrainian producers, thisrequires the use of regulatory mechanisms, under which only national producers can participatein public procurement, and through diplomatic and trade-industrial representations to promotetheir own manufacturer, and open world markets for Ukrainian producers. Especially during the war, food security issues are very important for Ukraine, so theagricultural sector of the economy needs significant support to provide food for its own citizensand countries that are dependent on Ukrainian agricultural products. Thus, the threat loomed notonly over Ukraine, but also over the world, regarding a possible famine. Thus, the protection andsecurity of the national producer is an important component of ensuring international food security.
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