Introduction. The article provides a comprehensive criminal law study of remote crimes. The modern doctrine of criminal law in this field is analyzed. It is established that the opinions of modern scientists regarding the legal understanding of the category of "remote crime" differ. Some authors reveal this category through theft committed using various achievements of the IT industry, which we recognize as a narrow approach. Other researchers rightly expand the boundaries of the remote method of criminal activity, bringing under the category of "remote crime" any crime that is prohibited by criminal law and excludes direct physical contact between the victim and the subject of the crime. In this regard, it is proved that remote crimes, which today form a separate independent group of a wide variety of socially dangerous acts, are endowed with special legally significant signs.Materials and methods. Are presented by referring to the modern doctrine of criminal law, criminology and the practice of applying criminal law in law enforcement, as well as the complex use of such general scientific methods as dialectics, logic, comparison, juxtaposition, induction, deduction, generalization, division, as well as the following private scientific methods of cognition: comparative legal, formal-logical, system-structural, content analysis and mathematical.Research results. The analysis made it possible to consider theoretical and legal approaches to the interpretation of remote crimes, clarify the concept of remote crimes in modern criminal law, study modern judicial practice on the issues of applied interpretation and criminal qualification of remote crimes, identify and characterize the key objective and subjective signs of these crimes, focus on the increasing criminogenic potential of crimes committed at a distance and their increased public danger to ordinary citizens, so it is for the security of society and the state as a whole.Discussion and conclusion. Remote crimes are a special kind of socially dangerous acts prohibited by criminal law, committed in conditions of territorial separation between the subject of the crime and the object of the crime (victim), as well as characterized by the absence of direct physical contact between them, including with full or partial mediation of criminal actions (inaction). The signs that distinguish remote crimes from other types of crimes are accumulated in the objective side and characterize a special method and a special environment in which a socially dangerous act finds its development.
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