To clarify the mechanism of nanocrystallization, the ageing-induced behavior of amorphous Fe 84− X Si 6B 10M X (M=Nb, Zr, or V) alloys was examined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopy, and high-frequency magnetic measurements. In a comparison between the Fe 82Si 6B 10M 2 and Fe 80Si 6B 10M 4 (M=Nb or Zr) alloys, a notable difference in the peak morphology was observed on the DSC curves. Ageing for 3.6 ks in the first exothermic temperature range produced ultrafine α-Fe grains only for the latter alloys, and their effective permeability was markedly enhanced by prolonged ageing below 623 K. However, no appreciable difference in such ageing-induced behavior was determined between the Fe 82Si 6B 10V 2 and Fe 80Si 6B 10V 4 alloys. These results were reasonably explained as being related to a structural change in the amorphous phase resulting from the increase in the Nb or Zr content. It was concluded that the formation of an increased number of α-Fe nuclei originates from the concurrent stabilization of the amorphous structure, because the mobility of Fe and Si atoms is extremely reduced due to the large atomic size of Nb or Zr and their attractive interactions with the Fe atoms.