We investigate, from a quantum viewpoint, the nature of the linearized quadratic \(f(R)=(R+aR^2)\)-gravity. To derive the explicit expression of the underlying propagator of the theory, the field is coupled to an external energy–momentum \(T^{\mu \nu }\), and an auxiliary field is introduced to deal with gauge constraints as done in gauge theories. In particular for a conserved \(T^{\mu \nu }\), we establish the gauge invariance of the vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitude \(\langle 0_+|0_-\rangle \), and prove the necessary positivity condition \(|\langle 0_+|0_-\rangle |^2 0\), required by the quantum theory aspect of the treatment. An exact expression is then derived of the number of particles emitted, at a given energy, by a circularly oscillating Nambu string from which we may compare the relative number of the spin 0 massive particles emitted to the graviton number which turns up to give a clear cut departure from the general relativity prediction.