Given a nondegenerate compact perfect and Hausdorff topological space X, n∈N and a function f:X→X, we consider the n-fold symmetric product of X, Fn(X), and the induced function Fn(f):Fn(X)→Fn(X). In this paper, if n≥2, we begin the study of the n-fold symmetric product suspension of the topological space X, SFn(X). We study the relationships between the following statements: (1) f∈M, (2) Fn(f)∈M, and (3) SFn(f)∈M, where M is one of the following classes of maps: almost transitive, exact, mixing, transitive, totally transitive, strongly transitive, exactly Devaney chaotic, orbit-transitive, an F-system, scattering, TT++, Touhey, backward minimal, totally minimal, Property P, strong property P or two-sided transitive.
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