Right ventricular papillary muscles obtained from neonatal ( s.d. ) in neonatal myocardium to 18.9±2.0 μm in the adult. T-tubules were not observed in neonatal cells, but could be seen in infant cells and formed 4.8±2.3% of total cell surface area in these preparations. T-tubules were prominent in adult myocardium and formed 17.3±3% of total cell surface area. The small cell size resulted in a significantly greater surface to volume ratio in neonatal (1.01±0.09 μm−1) than in adult (0.47±0.1 μm−1) myocardium. Evidence of active sarcomerogenesis was prominent in neonatal tissue but not in the adult. In addition, the alignment of myofibrils was less regular in neonatal myocardium than in adult or infant. Nexi or “gap junction” were observed in all muscles studied. In neonatal tissue, nexi formed 1.4±0.2% of cell surface area and in adult tissue, 3.4±0.1%. These results indicate that ultrastructural maturation continues during postnatal life in the cat myocardium.
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