The donation of human body organs, in its contemporary state, is a new issue, which the ancient Islamic Jurisprudence Scholars could not have dealt with or determined its Shartsa rulings. The reason is that this issue is the consequence of recent scientific advancements in the discipline of organ transplantation. Contemporary physicians have taken giant strides in the area of transplanting the organs of the dead to the living. Such organs are transplanted to the bodies of people who lost their original organs through accident, disease or other cause, and the transplanted organs perform the funciions that the impaired original organs used to perform. This practice covers all the organs of the body, whether those which are essential for the continuation of life, or those which perform bodily functions. It is certainly true that Muslim Jurisprudence Scholars have dealt with several types of hypotheiical acts uis-a-vis the human body and its organs in any age) and have tried through a deducitve process to detee Sharla rulings on such acts by applying the general rules of ShanHa. Yet, their work on this issue differs in many essential respects from the issue under consideration in this paper. It differs in terms of the type of these acts) the methods in which such acts are implemented, and in its shortand long-term effects. Therefore, any serious research of this issue cannot take the rulings of the ancient Muslim Jurisprudence Scholars in this area as the basis for analogy (al-qiyyass) for deterInining Shuri'a rulings, as there are very few sirnilarities between the two issues. These few similarities, however, do not permit us to ignore the results of scientific advancement and contemporaw medical innovations. If our ancestors) the Islamtc Jurisprudence Scholars, were to review this issue once again, they would have to come up with new Ijtihad or new rulings, to take accoutlt of these new factors. They would have to keep allthese new factors under consideration in applying the rules of ShanHa to innovations in their age. These scholars, Allah have mercy upon them, viewed innovations with insightful eyes and delved deep into the issues under consideration to enable them to take into account all the new factors and weigh them from the Shanaa perspective. These scholars did not find it sufficient to take into account the superficial aspects of these issues.