We examine a hadron model based on the strongly interacting leptons which constitute three-quartet and have entirely integral quantum numbers. The four charged members among (p, n, A.) are identified with the heavy lepton analysed by Perl et al. with mass value -'2 GeV. The charmed partner c with mass -'3 GeV is considered as the constituent of the 1F-series. The gross feature of R-ratio, together with the jet structure and the energy crisis in e+ -e- annihilation, is nicely explained in terms of the real pair production of the charged leptons as hadron constituents, leaving the reasonable order of the hadronic background which almost vanishes above 6 Ge V. The di-muon event induced by both neutrino and anti-neutrino is considered by taking into account the characteristic interaction in the present model, which connects the leptons with the conventional leptons and is responsible for decay of leptons. The same interaction gives rise effectively to a similar process due to the neutral current, which will occur at high energies in a significant order to the usual muon production process. Finally, the possible inner relation between our leptons and the usual leptons is discussed, both of which have now vanishing baryon number. § I. Introduction In connection with recent reports on the possible existence of leptons!) and jet structures2l in e+ -e- annihilation experiment, the present author noticed in a previous note3l a hadron model based on the hypothetical leptons as hadron constituents!) As a matter of fact, a series of recent discoveries of new particles or new phenomena besides above ones, that is, the existence of a series of 1Jf particles, the characteristic rising of R-ratio or the so-called energy crisis in e+-e- annihilation and further the remarkable experimental results in lepton-hadron reactions including the existence of neutral weak current, anomalous muon pair production, the scaling violation and so on, seems now seriously to call upon the reexamination of various models for hadrons and leptons which have been proposed during the past decade. The models may be divided into two categories according as one admits the fractional quantum numbers for hadron constituents or not. The former type of models as Gell, Mann and Zweig's quark modeP) or its modified version leads us to the concept of absolute confinement of constituents in order to avoid the possible observation of the absolutely stable entities with fractional quantum numbers against the actual experimental situation. It has given rise to the current trend of seeking the theoretical possibility of the confinement. This approach is undoubtedly encouraged by the remarkable success of the simple quark model in accounting for the hadron constitution and high energy phenomena, but