The TWIST Collaboration has performed new measurements of two of the parameters that describe muon decay: ρ, which governs the shape of the overall momentum spectrum, and δ, which governs the momentum dependence of the parity-violating decay asymmetry. This analysis gives the results ρ=0.750 14±0.000 17(stat)±0.000 44(syst)±0.000 11(η), where the last uncertainty arises from the correlation between ρ and the decay parameter η, and δ=0.750 67±0.000 30(stat)±0.000 67(syst). These are consistent with the value of 3/4 given for both parameters in the standard model of particle physics, and are a factor of two more precise than the measurements previously published by TWIST. A new global analysis of all available muon decay data incorporating these results is presented. Improved lower and upper limits on the decay parameter Pμπξ of 0.995 24<Pμπξ≤ξ<1.000 91 at 90% confidence are determined, where Pμπ is the polarization of the muon when it is created during pion decay, and ξ governs the muon decay asymmetry. These results set new model-independent constraints on the possible weak interactions of right-handed particles. Specific implications for left-right symmetric models are discussed.7 MoreReceived 7 July 2008DOI: article is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.
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