In this paper, we analyze the downlink outage performance of opportunistic scheduling in dual-hop cooperative networks consisting of one source, multiple radio-frequency energy harvesting relays, and multiple destinations. To this end, two low-complexity, suboptimal, yet efficient, relay-destination selection schemes are proposed, namely direct links plus opportunistic channel state information (CSI)-based selection (DOS) scheme and direct links plus partial CSI-based selection (DPS) scheme. Considering three relaying strategies, i.e., decode-and-forward (DF), variable-gain amplify-and-forward (VG-AF), and fixed-gain amplify-and-forward (FG-AF), the performance analysis in terms of outage probability (OP) is carried out for each selection scheme. For the DF and VG-AF strategies, exact analytical expressions and tight closed-form approximate expressions for the OP are derived. For the FG-AF strategy, an exact closed-form expression for the OP is provided. Additionally, we propose a gradient-based search method to find the optimal values of the power-splitting ratio that minimizes the attained OPs. The developed analysis is corroborated through Monte Carlo simulation. Comparisons with the optimal joint selection scheme are performed and it is shown that the proposed schemes significantly reduce the amount of channel estimations while achieving comparable outage performance. In addition, regardless of relaying strategy used, numerical results show that the DOS scheme achieves full diversity gain, i.e., $M+K$ , and the DPS scheme achieves the diversity gain of $M+1$ , where $M$ and $K$ are the numbers of destinations and relays, respectively.
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