The research paper investigates multi-tiered web application architecture and layers of web application architectures based on relevant literature using the scientific method of content analysis. Based on the results of the research (survey, where the scientific method of surveying based on a sample of 42 respondents), was used information was obtained: (1) whether the respondents had heard of tools and technologies that serve as help in programming and testing, such as: JUnita, Apache JMeter, Mockita, (2) whether the respondents used tools and technologies that serve as help in programming and testing such as: JUnita, Apache JMeter and Mockite, (3) which of the above tools are the best in the opinion of the respondents for help in programming and testing from the above: JUnita, Apache JMeter, Mockite, (4) whether the respondents have used BootStrap so far, (5) what according to respondents BootStrap enables, (6) which tools do web developers prefer to use when programming for the purpose of creating websites (applications), (7) what is most important for respondents in order for a website to be evaluated as successfully created and of high quality, (8) did the respondents know that the multi-layer architecture of web applications consists of a presentation layer, a controller layer, a repository layer, a model layer and an auxiliary layer. The research came to the conclusion that the hypothesis "H1" was accepted, while H2 is rejected. In the research, hypothesis H3 was also rejected, while the alternative hypothesis H4 was accepted, based on the chi-square test for all tested cases.
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