Recently, Bai and Zhang [Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2013, 20, 425Ƀ439] constructed modulus-based synchronous multisplitting methods by an equivalent reformulation of the linear complementarity problem into a system of fixed-point equations and studied the convergence of them; Li et al. [Journal of Nanchang University (Natural Science), 2013, 37, 307Ƀ312] studied synchronous block multisplitting iteration methods; Zhang and Li [Computers and Mathematics with Application, 2014, 67, 1954Ƀ1959] analyzed and obtained the weaker convergence results for linear complementarity problems. In this paper, we generalize their algorithms and further study global relaxed modulus-based synchronous block multisplitting multi-parameters methods for linear complementarity problems. Furthermore, we give the weaker convergence results of our new method in this paper when the system matrix is a block $ H_{+}- $matrix. Therefore, new results provide a guarantee for the optimal relaxation parameters, please refer to [A. Hadjidimos, M. Lapidakis and M. Tzoumas, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2012, 33, 97Ƀ110, (], where optimal parameters are determined.
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