Seasonal velocity variations can significantly impact the total energy delivered to microgrids produced by river hydrokinetic turbines. These turbines typically use a diffuser to increase the velocity at the rotor section, adding weight and raising deployment costs. There is a need for practical solutions to improve the capacity factor of such turbines. Our solution involves using multiple turbine rotors that can be interchanged to match seasonal velocity changes, eliminating shrouds to simplify design and reduce costs. This solution requires turbines that are designed to have an easily interchanged rotor, which requires us to limit the rotor to a two-blade design to also lower costs. This approach adjusts the turbine power curve with different two-blade rotor sizes, enhancing the yearly capacity factor. BladeGen ANSYS Workbench is used to design three two-blade rotors for free stream velocities of 1.6, 2.2, and 2.8 m/s. For each turbine rotor, 3D simulation is applied to reduce aerodynamic losses and target a coefficient of performance of about 45%. Mechanical stress analyses assess the displacement and stress of the used composite materials. Numerical results show good agreement with experimental data, with rotor efficiencies ranging from 43% to 45% at a tip speed ratio of 4 and power output between 5.4 and 5.6 kW. Results show that rotor interchangeability significantly enhances the turbine capacity factor, increasing it from 52% to 92% by adapting to river seasonal velocity changes.
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