In order to proceed in detection and structural analysis of glycosphingolipids (GSLs) in crude lipid extracts, which still remains a challenge in glycosphingolipidomics, we developed a strategy to structurally characterize neutral GSLs in total lipid extracts prepared from in vitro propagated human monocytic THP-1 cells, which were used as a model cell line. The procedure divides into (1) extraction of total lipids from cellular material, (2) enzymatical disintegration of phospholipids by treatment of the crude lipid extract with phospholipase C, (3) subsequent multiple thin-layer chromatography (TLC) overlay detection of individual GSLs with a mixture of various anti-GSL antibodies, and (4) structural analysis of immunostained GSLs directly on the TLC plate using infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry (IR-MALDI-o-TOF MS) in combination with collision-induced dissociation (CID). Whereas GSLs were mostly undetectable in untreated crude lipid extracts, pretreatment with phospholipase C resulted in clear-cut mass spectra. MS(1) and MS(2) analysis gave similar results when compared to those obtained with a highly purified neutral GSL preparation of THP-1 cells, which served as a control. We could demonstrate in this study the feasibility of simultaneous multiple immunodetection of individual neutral GSLs in one and the same TLC run and their structural characterization in crude lipid extracts after phospholipase C treatment, thereby avoiding laborious and long-lasting sample purification. This powerful combinatorial technique allows for efficient structural characterization of GSLs in small tissue samples and takes a step forward in the emerging field of glycosphingolipidomics.