Frqm recent experiments with the accelerators at Serpukhov and NAL we have now some knowledge on the multiplicity distribution of mesons in hadronic interactions at laboratory incident energies in the range (50,_,400) GeV. On the basis of the current idea that in the energy range covered by the accelerators now working hadron reactions have yet reached their asymptotic limits, that is, on the assumption that we are in the '' asymptotia' ', there have been many trials to get a universal function describing the experimental multiplicity distribution now obtained. One of such trials is Buras and . Koba's one,l) who used functions of the type such as ze-1rz / 4 , or its mixture with z3e-1lZ/4, to fit the experimental data, along Koba, Nielsen and Olesen's idea2> that the multiplicity distribution should be represented by a unique function z=n/(n) at high energies, where n and (n) are the multiplicity and the mean multiplicity, respectively. On the other hand, in journals there has been paid much interest in the fact that the experimental data give us .a value of about two for the ratio of the mean multiplicity to the standard deviation (n)/ { (n2)-(n)2} l/2, or, being expressed in another way, in the fact that the quantity /2=(n(n-l)) (n)2 is not zero experimentally. This is because the multiplicity distribution would be expected to be like the Poisson distribution, if one may take the bremsstrahlung analogy for the multiple production of mesons in hadronic interactions at high energy, and with the Poisson distribution one has D= ..J(n) and /2=0. The bremsstrahlung analogy has been used by Feynman3)
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