The article examines the problem of automatic object recognition using a video stream as a digital image. Algorithms for recognizing and tracking objects in the video stream are considered, methods used in video processing are analyzed, and the use of machine learning tools in working with video is described.The main approaches to solving the problem of recognizing moving objects in a video stream are investigated: the detection-based approach and the tracking-based approach. Arguments are made in favor of the tracking-based approach, and, in addition, modern methods of tracking objects in the video stream are considered. In particular, the algorhythms: Online Boosting Tracker - one of the first object tracking algorithms with high tracking accuracy, MIL Tracker (Multiple Instance Learning Tracker), which is a development of the idea of learning with a teacher and the Online Boosting algorithm and the KCF Tracker algorithm (Kernelized Correlation Filters Tracker) - a method that uses the mathematical properties of overlapping areas of positive examples.As a result, the advantages and disadvantages of the considered methods and algorithms for recognizing and tracking objects for various applications are highlighted.
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