This research is motivated by the unemployment rate of SMK graduates, especially in Central Java, which still dominates, according to the researchers' observations, one of which is because almost all SMK graduates are more interested in becoming employees / working in factories rather than entrepreneurship. To reduce unemployment and change the views of SMK graduates, especially in the Blora district, about entrepreneurship, there needs to change. One of them is how the implementation of a teaching factory in vocational schools that involves entrepreneurship teachers not only produces creative product work or recognized competency achievements but can also foster students' interest in entrepreneurship. Respondents in this study were XI students of multimedia expertise competency. This study aims to analyze the teaching factory concept, the implementation of teaching factory at SMK Muhamamdiyah 1 Blora to foster entrepreneurial interest in students of Multimedia Skills Competency (KK Multimedia) and to describe student interactions in teaching factory learning, as well as supporting and inhibiting factors for teaching factory at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The method used is a case study, where the researcher explores the events, processes, activities of the subject. Data collection techniques use multiple sources of evidence, namely: in-depth interviews with structured models, frank or subtle observation, and documentation. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that: (1) The teaching factory model applied in KK Multimedia is a model with industry-based learning concepts (products and services), so that the students' interest in entrepreneurship and graduates will be more skilled and fit for work in the industrial world. Adequate facilities and infrastructure, competent human resources in their fields, and Human resources who are competent enough in their fields, as well as the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), applied in schools is the same as that applied in the industrial world, (2) Through the production process in implementing KK Multimedia's teaching factory, namely: receiving orders, analyzing orders, declaring ready to carry out orders, working orders, do quality control, submit orders and the involvement of entrepreneurial teachers is effective in fostering student interest in entrepreneurship. (3) Almost all KK Multimedia students support and are directly involved in the process of implementing the teaching factory by preparing and using practical infrastructure and students' enthusiasm in finding their consumers. (4) Supporting factors in the teaching factory implementation, namely a) Costs/funds sourced from Central Government Assistance, Regional Government and funds from school committees, b) Supporting equipment even though the use of tools has not been applied to one student for one tool, c) Workplace products are industry standard, namely in collaboration with Axioo. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors for the implementation of the teaching factory include a) Product marketing which is still difficult in the community. b) Communication between students and consumers is still not smooth and flexible, c) competence and interests of the students themselves.
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