To attain large information rates, code division multiple access (CDMA) is a well-built aspirant for the downlink of cell phone communications. However, while transmitting any signal over fading channel, the performance of CDMA system is highly affected. For that reason, Multiuser detection (MUD) and channel estimation play a significant function for overcoming the interference and characterizing the channel. In this paper, biogeography base optimization (BBO) algorithm introduced for multiuser detection CDMA system. The objective of BBO algorithm is used to minimize the error rate of the user transmitting signal. According to immigration rate and emigration rate, the optimal solution of the detection problem is decided. Therefore, the user detection complexity and the interference of user transmitting signal are resolved. Proposed multiuser detection algorithm is appropriate for run time user identification process; since the detection complication and the required time are concentrated. The proposed approach is implemented in MATLAB working platform and the performance measures are examined. The error rate of proposed algorithm is compared with harmony search algorithm, enhanced harmony search algorithm, and without multiuser detection procedure.
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