An all-to-all personalised exchange is one of the most dense collective communication operations in parallel and distributed computing and communication applications. Each node in the network needs to send a different message to each of the other nodes. Advances in electro-optic switches have made optical communication a good networking choice that can satisfy the high channel bandwidth, low communication latency, low error rate, and gigabit transmission requirements of high performance computing and communication applications. Previously proposed optical multistage interconnection networks (MINs) require at least two passes to send a message from each node to a different node (to realise a permutation) in the network. In this paper, we propose an MIN that requires only one pass to realise a permutation. That is, the new MIN requires n 1 passes instead of 2n passes, the requirement for other optical MINs, for an all-to-all personalised exchange. The new network is optimal in terms of the number of passes that is required for an all-to-all personalised exchange.
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