A new approach for designing multirate digital flight control systems based on optimal control theory is described. The error rejection properties of control systems designed by the, new technique are investigated through a case study. The example considered is the F-14 aircraft controlled by a multirate proportional-plusintegral controller. The aircraft/controller system is flown through a turbulent atmosphere; a covariance analysis of state variable errors determines the ability of the controller to reject turbulence-induced errors. The controller sample rate and control sequence are varied to determine their influence on the disturbance rejection properties of the controller. Finally, a sample rate optimization scheme based on performance/c omputation tradeoff is presented. HE practical need for multiple sample rate flight control systems is a consequence of the finite computing capabilities of onboard digital computers and the multiple information rates of onboard instruments. Although digital computer technology continues to advance significantly, new and expanded software requirements for such functions as navigation, display, and control manage to keep pace with improvements in computational capability. Accordingly, the flight control system designer is always allocated a fixed (and usually limiting) amount of computational capability to implement a control design. In modern flight control system applications, the problem of implementing a desired algorithm within a limited computational capability is compounded by a need to accommodate high-frequency effects such as vehicle flexibility. Functions associated with bending effects (i.e., instrument output filtering or active structural control) may demand sample rates an order of magnitude higher than is necessary for suitable control of rigid body modes of vehicle motion. Faced with widely varying sample rate requirements among the dynamic modes of the vehicle; a multirate control structure is the solution to computational limitations and multiple information-rates. Synthesizing a multirate control system to meet desired specifications has been a difficult task. Ad hoc approaches have typically been used in which a suitable analog design is converted to a digital design via Tustin transform techniques. In this case multirate designs are generated by a trial-anderror process of running the low bandwidth compensating elements at low sample rates and evaluating the resulting system performance via simulation. Classically based techniques for multirate system analysis are available l~3; however, these techniques are limited in application due to the significant growth of dimensionalit y that they entail. Such techniques are also analysis, as opposed to synthesis, approaches; hence creating a control design is still an iterative procedure. In the present paper, a new multirate design technique4'5 based on optimal control is described which obviates dimensionality problems characteristic of classical techniques. In addition, this technique offers a systematic method for converting a desired analog control design to an equivalent multirate digital design without approximation.