Integrated magnetics is applied to replace the three-discrete transformers by a single core transformer in a three-phase LLC resonant converter. The magnetic circuit of the integrated transformer is analyzed to derive coupling factors between the phases; these coupling factors are intentionally minimized to realize the magnetic behavior of the three-discrete transformers, with the benefit of eliminating the dead space between them. However, in a practical design, the transformer parameters in a multiphase LLC resonant converter are never exactly identical among the phases, leading to unbalanced current sharing between the paralleled modules. In this regard, a current balancing method is proposed in this paper. The proposed method can improve the current sharing between the paralleled phases relying on a single balancing transformer, and its theory is based on Ampere’s law, by forcing the sum of the three resonant currents to zero. Theoretically, if an ideal balancing transformer has been utilized, it would impose the same effect of connecting the integrated transformer in a solid star connection. However, as the core permeability of the balancing transformer is finite, the unbalanced current cannot be completely suppressed. Nonetheless, utilizing a single balancing transformer has an advantage over the star connection, as it keeps the interleaving structure simple which allows for traditional phase-shedding techniques, and it can be a solution for the other multiphase topologies where realizing a star connection is not feasible. Along with the theoretical discussion, simulation and experimental results are also presented to evaluate the proposed method considering various sources of the unbalance such as a mismatch in: 1) resonant and magnetizing inductances; 2) resonant capacitors; 3) transistor on-resistances of the MOSFETS; and 4) propagation delay of the gate drivers.
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