has made a profound change in the philosophy and methodology of reactor phys ics and analys is. For example, the role of the reactor physicist has change d cons iderably in the last decade. In the early history of development of reactor physics, much of the attention of the reactor physicist was directed toward analytic solutions of the equations describing the behavior of the neutrons in tractable idealized systems. In order to obtain analyt ic soluti ons, it was necessary to ignore some of the more subtle effects and to introduce approximatio ns both in energy and geomet ric details. These expedients were usually justified because accurate differential cross-section data were not avail able to allow more careful de tail. The early reactor physics calcu lational models were usually based on one- or two-group age-diffusion the ory. The parameters used in these calcu lations were usually obtained from correlations of integral experiments with simple physical models. In 1950, mult igroup methods were already begin ning to be used (1), particularly for intermediate-ene rgy and fast-spectrum reactors, where the simp lified models were not even approximately valid. The se probl ems, which used as many as 15 energy groups and a sph erical geometry, were solved by iterative procedures with the use of a desk calcu lator. The solution of a single problem typically required several days of calculation. However, the method all owed the reactor phys icist to calculate diffusio n, absorpti on, and fission events wit h proper attent ion given to the neutron flux inten sities and cross-section values appropriate to different energy groups and at different radial positions in the reactor.